The Archives of the Max Planck Society

The Archives of the Max Planck Society

The Archives of the Max Planck Society in Berlin-Dahlem were established in 1975 in order to safeguard the files of the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Societies for the Advancement of Science (mainly files, photographs, audio records and film) in one central place and to make them accessible to users (currently approx. 4.000 metres of shelf space).

Our collection focuses on the personal papers of outstanding personalities who conducted research at either the Kaiser Wilhelm Society or the Max Planck Society. These include Nobel laureates Carl Bosch, Walther Bothe, Adolf Butenandt, Paul J. Crutzen, Peter Debye, Gerhard Ertl, Fritz Haber,

Otto Hahn, Werner Heisenberg, Georges Köhler, Richard Kuhn, Max von Laue, Feodor Lynen, Ernst Ruska, Bert Sakmann and Otto Warburg, supplemented by collections on Albert Einstein, Fritz Haber and Max Planck, among others.


In addition, the library of the Archives contains scholarly literature on the twentieth-century history of science (40,100 volumes, 150 subscriptions to journals, literature without clearly identifiable authors, 200,000 special editions).


Archives of the Max Planck Society
Boltzmannstraße 14
14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Telephone: (030) 8413-3701
Telefax: (030) 8413-3700

(How to get there)


Opening hours
Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Closure dates due to public holidays

Use of the Archives only possible by prior registration



Our range of events focuses primarily on the specific archival and broader research areas, above all on the history of science topics. It offers room for scientific exchange and builds a bridge to current research topics from the complex of the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Societies. Please find below the forthcoming events; past events can be looked up under the link with the same name. Moreover, there is a possibility of becoming acquainted with the Archives and our work in the context of a guided tour.
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