Max Planck Institutes
Do you have files at your Institute, which are no longer needed? Please do not omit to contact the Archives of the Max Planck Society prior to destroying them. The documents of your Institute can be of great value for historical research. It would be most convenient if you could compile an overview list for us. This would help us in assessing which documents are of permanent value.
What is being archived?
In no event should the following documents be destroyed without contacting the Archives:
Management – documents of the Managing Directors
Organisational structure – organization and business plans as well as filing plans
Planung und Strategy – fundamental documents
Personnel matters – personnel files of special importance qua office/function as well as statistics or lists concerning personnel
Budget process – general budget plans, plans of established posts, procurement documents relating to outstanding cases (e.g. large apparatuses), generally condensing representations and aggregated benchmark data
Research funding – minutes, annual financial statements and annual reports, general information on scholarships
Programmes for doctoral students
Illustrations – pictures of the building, of life at the Institute, such as e.g. special events, Christmas celebrations etc.
Electronic documents – statistics, administrative information etc.
International contacts – partnership and cooperation contracts; summarizing reports
fig.: Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology, Berlin-Dahlem, 1957; Bibliotheca Hertziana, Palazzo Zuccari, Rome nineteen-thirties, today Max Planck Institute for Art History; Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics with laser beam over the entrance, Garching, nineteen-eighties.